Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Basic Window Maintenance Tips

If not maintained properly, a window will not be able to last for a long time, and won't function as well as you wish it would. Window maintenance tasks are not very hard and can even help prolong the life of your windows if you diligently stick with them. Also, well-maintained windows in an equally well-kept home can boost the value and appeal of your humble abode.

Window Frame Maintenance
Windows that are located in areas more prone to dust and dirt should be cleaned more often. Use an all-purpose cleaner and sponge to clean the inside of your window frame. This can also be done to the outside portion of the window, but a brush may be needed to remove stubborn dirt from your window's exterior components. If you allow dirt and grime to accumulate on your window, it won't be long before you find it hard to open or operate.

Glass Maintenance
Over time, the glass of your windows, which are constantly exposed to various contaminants and harsh weather, can become scratched or hazy. All you need is a soft cloth and detergent to wash off dust, fingerprints, and other dirty spots. Remember to wash the inside first before proceeding to the outside surface that tend to hold more dirt.