Sunday, December 8, 2013

Why Mold Growth May Require Window Replacement

The increased snowfall in Denver has provided some locals the impetus to flock to nearby ski resorts. However, heavy snowfall is also bad news for most homeowners in the area due to the heightened risks of moisture damage and mold infestation. Moisture that settles on windows, for instance, can lead to mold growth, particularly for window frames and sills made of wood.

Mold growth on windows is not only unsightly but can, in fact, cause extensive damage as well if left untreated. Homeowners have the option to remove mold from their windows by themselves, but they must do so with caution; otherwise, they'll only expose themselves to respiratory problems. A safe and effective way to get rid of mold on windows is to wipe it off with fungicidal wash while wearing protective gloves and a face mask.

In case of extreme mold growth that has already led to severe deterioration of window frames or sills, homeowners may benefit from having new windows installed. This time, instead of going for wood-based materials, homeowners may consider composite Fibrex windows made from a combination of wood fiber and thermoplastic polymer materials. Such products possess better resistance to mold formation and are likely to retain their beauty for a longer time.