Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Why Window Companies in Colorado Springs Recommend Double-Hung Windows

    “While windows are inherently only as secure as the strength of the glass, the locking mechanisms should be considered. For the most part, single-hung and double-hung windows are equally secure. However, it should be noted that double-hung windows have an additional lock because both operable sashes need to be secured. It is, therefore, that much more likely that one may forget to lock the window or, at least, both parts of the windows.”

The idea of designing two sashes that can both be raised or lowered most likely came from the fact that homeowners want a window that is safe for their children even when half-open. You can simply open the upper half of your window when you need some air. Your Denver window company will make sure your windows are secured with additional locks to allow you to tightly shut the lower sash that can potentially be your kids’ access.
