Monday, March 10, 2014

Stopping Daft Drafts with Replacement Windows in Colorado Springs

Drafts, especially during the winter season, can make living conditions quite uncomfortable for any household. As the article points out, cold air that seeps through windows can decrease the heating efficiency of a building and force occupants to turn up their heater settings, thereby driving up energy consumption. To reduce energy expenditures in the long run, it may be wise to consider replacement windows in Colorado Springs that do a better job of preventing air leaks.

Replacement windows can boost the energy efficiency of a residence in more ways than one. Multi-paned varieties can drastically reduce heat loss within a home by slowing down the process of thermal transmission. Window frames can also serve as insulators that trap heat indoors. Certain window glazing products, meanwhile, permit enough sunlight to penetrate, thus helping households retain adequate warmth even during bitter winter spells.