Sunday, November 10, 2013

Choosing Windows in Colorado Springs—like Planning in Case of a Fire

"Windows add points to a home’s beauty and keep it warm or cool when needed. However, when fires rage from bedroom to living room, windows must shift their role from insulator to the family’s only way out. The Window Safety Task Force (WSTF), a collaboration of window and door regulating bodies like the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA), stresses the need for windows to be designed to double as a fire escape. In fact, planning for a fire should be a part of any plan to install windows for Colorado Springs homes. To be useful in the event of a fire, the window style must provide an escape route just wide enough for everyone to get out safely. Awning windows are among the most ideal due to their wide opening and ease of use. They can be opened fully to allow an exit for every member of the family."