Thursday, November 14, 2013

Here’s Why Double Hung Windows are Great

Whenever people hear the word “window”, they immediately think about a fixture consisting of glass panes that are arranged either vertically or horizontally. This “classic” image of a window is a testament to the popularity of double hung windows, which consist of two glass panes arranged in the same manner. When or where they were first invented may have been lost to history, but their proliferation across the world is proof of the success of this design.

Double hung windows are very common simply because they are the most versatile window styles out there: they fit perfectly to a Colonial-era house or a Digital Age home. Since they only consist of two panes or sashes, double hung windows, especially the modern versions that have tilt-out sashes, are also easier to clean than other types. Finally, their ease of operation makes it easy to set up air conditioning units and screens directly on the windows.

As far as energy-efficiency is concerned, however, double hung windows are a mixed bag. On one hand, they can be weather-stripped easily, thanks to their simplistic design. On the other hand these windows aren’t exactly as airtight as the other window types. Fortunately, newer windows have mitigated this issue with advanced construction; decades-old double hung windows are now the only ones that have this problem.